The Garb Factor
A friend mentioned to me at Collegium that she missed my former late period wardrobe, as I have taken a much earlier persona from the 12th century. I did have on my least flattering dress (!) but she stated exactly what I had already been thinking about my new wardrobe.
I LOVE my new century. I love the stories, the history, the belief systems, the customs. Now I want to love my wardrobe again. The issue is not just that particular dress, but stepping up my costuming to what I enjoy — good natural fabrics, period layers, bright colors, decorative elements, and a flattering fit within a particular time period. (I went to late 11th/early 12th because they belted their tunics!)
Specifically I want to dress the part of my persona — an Anglo Saxon widow who is the mistress of a large and prosperous farm. This Caitlin dresses well but practically for everyday work. This means wools and linens in a comfortable fit, in bright period colors. This Caitlin can also take on the plumage of the Norman court ladies for political reasons when she travels to York. (Also because the dresses are gorgeous — let’s not forget that.)
My challenge as part of the SCA is to demonstrate in my clothing that early period garb can be every bit as interesting as late period garb. I’m excited about the challenge! So over the next few months I’ll be:
- Retailoring a couple of my dresses that are way too big on me.
- Adding layers while still suiting Caid’s warm climate.
- Adding trim and simple embroidery to clothes.
- Experimenting with different hairstyles and headdresses. I love the Anglo-Saxon headwraps but have yet to get them to sit right without shifting around. Period women no doubt had the same issue and solved it (small undercaps, bands, etc.) and I will too.
- Wear my braids. I love my braids.
- Create a full-on, knock-’em-dead Norman court gown.
- Make new accessories — belts, mantles, hoods .
Yesterday I went through my stash and pulled out enough fabric to make several new undergowns and overgowns, veils, mantles and hoods. Gotta love those stashes. Present deadline is GWW. I won’t be making a new gown but I will be re-doing three existing gowns with new tailoring, trim, layers, etc. And did I mention my braids? ;>