Great Western War
GWW started as of today (Tuesday) and my son and I will be heading up on Thursday-Sunday Sadly I have a business trip starting on Monday so that will be a tough schedule, but I’ll be able to take it easy once I get to the hotel room. In Dallas… sigh.
I’m still looking forward to war though! I missed the last two due to financial challenges. That was a bummer! My son (12 years old) just decided to go a few days ago so I’m busy sewing for him. His own garb is positively embarrassing it’s so threadbare. Not that he cares, but I do.
I will finally get a clue and print out my repertoire for my bardic notebook. It would be lovely to handwrite all of my pieces in a period hand… but that isn’t going to happen in two days. I really prefer to deliver my pieces memorized and almost always do. The problem at war is that I go thinking I’ll remember all those great pieces that I last did 6 months ago. Uh huh. Nope. Not with my half-century-plus brain. So print-outs it is, and last-minute cramming at war! I am also bringing staff paper in an attempt to write songs. It’s all good.
I am also apparently going to be camping for 6 months straight judging from the size of my packing list. You know, I’ve tried to pare down my packing many times before but I always miss everything that stayed home! At various times I thought I could do without carpets, or without my dining fly, or whatever. I missed it all so much, it wasn’t worth leaving it home! So in the SUV it all goes. My son will ride on top of the car. (Just kidding. I think.)