Caitlin’s 25-or-so Best Blogs for SCA History Geeks

A new-to-me website called published a post called “50 Best Blogs for Medieval History Geeks.” The post wasn’t terribly good — some of the blogs were pretty awful and others had little to do with medievalism. But it gave me the idea to do a similar post for SCA readers. Archaeology Archaeology in Europe:… Continue Reading Caitlin’s 25-or-so Best Blogs for SCA History Geeks

Now THAT’S a Viking Chest

We’re used to recreating wooden Viking chests. That’s fine, I’d like to own a few myself. But as a matter of contrast I present a serious Viking chest from @1000 AD. It presently resides at Bayerisches Nationalmuseum: Added afterward: this is the Bamberg Casket dated about 975. It is Scandinavian work but was found in… Continue Reading Now THAT’S a Viking Chest

Medieval Beasts

I would kill to attend this! “Beasts on Parchment: Picturing Animals in Medieval Manuscripts” at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. Here is the description: Animals played an important role not only in the lives of medieval people, but also in their thought. Animals bore the brunt of medieval agricultural practices and they also… Continue Reading Medieval Beasts